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Honolulu is really the epicenter of Oahu’s history, art, and culture. You will discover historic buildings such as Iolani Palace, which is the only royal palace on US soil. Enjoy the local arts? Downtown Honolulu is home of the Hawaii State Art Museum.

Want to explore a little further? Take the short drive out to the Nuuanu Pali Lookout for a panoramic view of the Koolau Mountains. On your way back visit Bishop Museum which houses the cultural, historical, natural treasures of the Pacific.

After sunset, make sure to find your way to Chinatown. During the day, Chinatown is a rich multicultural marketplace vibrant with sweet smelling lei stands, and hole-in-the-wall restaurants but at night, Downtown Honolulu fades into a sophisticated art and dining district with Jazz Clubs, galleries, trendy wine bars, and Chinese fusion restaurants.

Our Favorite Downtown event is ArtAfterDark, which is the first Fridays, second Saturdays, and third Thursdays of the month. Enjoy an intimate gallery experience with a Marti Gras flare. It will be a night you won’t soon forget.

Ali’i Beach Rentals offers a wide variety of Honolulu Vacation Rentals. Search your travel dates today to see what accommodation we have available for your dream Hawaii Vacation.

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