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Giving back to the place we love...

As a family-run and operated business, we live, love, and call Hawaii our home.

The challenges brought forth during the pandemic have shed a strong light on the importance and how fragile the ecosystems are in this unique place we all love.

We see the need now more than ever to support our local communities and hope you join and help support our efforts!

Vacation rentals are unique in the sense that you have the opportunity to briefly live in the community as well. However, with this privilege, comes responsibility.  

We all have the opportunity and ability to give back in so many ways and we hope that you will join us in these efforts.

As a company and individuals, we hope and will continue to find more and more ways to support our islands. This is only the beginning of our efforts.

So far we have been donating our lightly overused linens and blankets to homeless community members and non-profits in need. We changed our operations model to be more economical utilizing all electronic forms of operations and eliminating most of our paper waste.

We also donate any non-perishable food items that are left behind by our guests to our local food banks or homeless shelters.

We hope you will do your part too! Keep checking back as we update this page with more information about Oahu's ecotourism, our continuing efforts, and how you can be involved to help keep Hawaii the beautiful place we all love and cherish.

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